Jul 19, 2006

well.. this few days arent really very special. just tot of a topic, "Youngster".
two type of youngster i would say. one was the -it's your fault, not mine- type, the other was -is it really my fault?- type. you can say that i belongs to both the categories.
i ever came across with this person here. He/she thinks that he/ she doesnt received much love from his/her parents and sibling. felt left out in his/her house. when his/her mum or dad schold him/her, he/she will sure to rebel and say, "I DIDNT!"
ya. it might be an understanding on that particular day, or something happened to his/her parents. youngster always the one who wanted adults to think for them in any ways, asking yungster what they really want.. but have they ever spare a thought for their parents? if yes, what will you do? if not, what will you do then?
you see here, . shouldnt youngster be the one sparing thoughts for their parents?

okays, i shall say this,
To all children of any parents,
have you ever thought why do your parents have to scream at you?
why makes them so angry that they have to use a cane and smack on your butt?
are they really the one who are NOT SPARING A THOUGHT FOR YOU?
so friends out there,
if you are reading this,
will you think about all these questions?


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