Jul 23, 2006

went for tuition this morning.
a group of teenager gather together.
a lesson that is repeated.
a lesson we had attend so many.
a lesson we had already memorized.
However, none of us fulfiled it.
I've been asking myself,
"cant we simply fulfil it or something."
ya. said is easier than done.
the lesson i had always been talking about was,
"our attitude towards PARENTS."

have any children wonder,
"why do our parents keep nagging at us?"

why dont i ever think that
their nags are all for my own good.
there was once my second sis said that
she got a bad quarell with my dad.
only after that, my sis starts to cherish them.
soon another girl says," since you were young, you wanted milk.
after a few hours, you wanted another of milk. and the day went on like these, getting a bottle of milk from your mum becos you were hungry. so, did your parents nag and say, you are such a nuisance, or they will get you another bottle of milk again. so who is the more naggy one? you or your parents?"

ya. i tried thinking these.
and its rather true.
just try to put yourself in their shoes,
if one day you are like them,
would you ever harm your own children?
nahs.. what's the use when i talking about these?
no one think about my questions anyway.


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