Nov 6, 2006

Monday 6th November

I went to Sungei Buloh this afternoon with a group of friends to PLANT TREES!
hahaha! How sweet! When I first reached the door step, the feeling was so familiar.
I once went there with him and his parents. Kind of memorable lahs.

Later show you the video his dad send me.

The ground was muddy and yucky but no choice we had to walk through the nature walk to reach our destination. The uncle or rather the instructor explain and gave instructions to us.
The instructor was lame lahs. HAHAhHA! Then he told us abour the number of species they had there and how wonderful the place was back in the 70s. hahahha..

Then we plant the tree. one hour later we left as it was raining. I brought the IKEA book which all family would had one. I love the furnitures lie the kitchen especially which i wanted my house kitchen to look like a bar.
however my mum would say, "Give me $10000, and i'll give you hat you want."
oh man. what crap. i dont have such large money!
"Ya, then keep quiet loh."
hais.. While waiting for the bus, me soklei vivian astrini haziqah marliyana was pointing here and there on the book, "I LIKE THIS!', 'I LIKE THAT!', 'THIS ONE BETTER!', 'THAT ONE BETTER!', etc.. hahha. we got a fun talk basically.

THE BUS WAS LATE ! but luckily, im one of the patient human species where i think they are endangering soon.. HAHAHAs!!



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