Oct 26, 2009

My Family, My Friends.

After the most important person who left 1 year ago, 
new people entered my life and touched my heart.
They did not touch and go, they are the one leaving their foot prints behind.

Yes, they are not only friends but family.
Where else can you find these group of people?
Probably only here.

For those who know me, i think you know what it means.
For those who do not, it simply means Fo Tang, in short, FT.

Someone whom I can talk to about anything, not yellow of course.
5 of us, Eunice Liufu Yifan Yongqiang and myself.

Joined this class about 8 months ago and it will be ending on January.
How I wish it last longer.

This class bring us five so bonded. Enjoyed the times we spend together even if it is just taking bus 86 from Yiochukang to Sengkang.
Sneaking out to eat beancurd and youtiao after FT ( where we are not encouraged to ) at Jalan Kayu.

10 years, 15 years, or even 20 years, I will think back - Those period are one of the most beautiful times I ever had in my teenager life. Well, I shouldnt feel regretful for joining this class 8months ago!



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