Jun 20, 2006

somehow ah. when i recieve
the news right,
i dunno should i say it was good or bad.
you could say i'm selfish. partially only. but majority
not selfish lahs.
looking at my point of views are:
1. it is good.
2. it is bad.
3. no neutral.
its like, so sudden, you see.
he say she will come back.
she say i dun love you anymore.
the man then love him until like heaven and hell.
while the girl was in heaven.
but yet, 3mths later,
she realised she needs him back.
so how about the 2nd one?
isnt it too fast?
ya miracle could happen like what he says.
but will it really last long?
i have many questions unsolved regarding these.
not only on his case but
the general view.
boy say "i wan to propose to you tmr."
gilr says "wait for two more weeks."
jo, is really two wks enough?
it never enough for me.
we are still young right.
at the age of 15,
how are we so sure we can last long?
y do i see ppl stead one mths or two?
shouldnt they last for 2 yrs or 3 at least?
at least it doesnt give other ppl an impression that
"i" am a very open girl.
well. you see what i mean?
so my conclusion is that
realtionship isnt short term but a long term thing.
it comes from the heart
and there's no regrets.
also you got to pay a price for it.
you got to be responsible.
it might last 2 yrs only.
but at least you wasnt playing a fool with relations.
aint i right?


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